Take AWS ec2 volume instance snapshot
This post is just related to how can you take snapshot/backup of your AWS ec2 instance's volume using boto.
connection = boto.ec2.connect_to_region('Region_Name', aws_access_key_id='aws_access_key_id',aws_secret_access_key='aws_secret_access_key')
snap_sort = sorted([(s.id,s.start_time) for s in snapshots] , key =lambda k :k[1])
index = len(snap_sorted) - 1 // get the index of latest create snapshot
snap = snap_sorted[index] //snapshot value.
Now compare this with backup freq for that instance.
Two method is their:- (which we can use)
1. Cron Method
2. Check time difference between last snapshot creation time and current time.
1. Cron method:- Two cron method (C1 ,C2 two cron)
i)C1 runs every hour, 5th minute
Picks up the current hour, say CHOUR
Pick up volumes defined with backup in hours(2_hour,4_hour ... etc)
Take 2,4 as frequency accordingly
if(CHOUR%freq)==0 Take snapshot
ii)C2 runs every day, 12th hour
Pick up the current day, say CDAY
Pick up volumes defined with backup in days(1_day,7_day ... etc)
Take 1,7 as frequency accordingly
if(CDAY%freq)==0 Take snapshot
Pseudo Code:-
i) Make connection with aws.
connection = boto.ec2.connect_to_region('Region_Name', aws_access_key_id='aws_access_key_id',aws_secret_access_key='aws_secret_access_key')
ii) a) Take command line argument which type cron is this (backup_type = "day/hour")
b) Get all machine/instance which has same backup type as you passed in command line argument.
c) Take snapshot those instances. It's simple :)
2. Check time difference between last snapshot creation time and current time method:-
One cron can take back up for any type of back up freq.
i) We have to check first that machine has any already any back up/ snapshot or not. If it has not simple take sanpshot that machine.
other wise get all snapshot of that machine and sort them according to time creation.
snapshots = conn.get_all_snapshots(filters={'volume_id':volume.id})//filter via volume id. or //can also check boto documentation
snap_sort = sorted([(s.id,s.start_time) for s in snapshots] , key =lambda k :k[1])
index = len(snap_sorted) - 1 // get the index of latest create snapshot
snap = snap_sorted[index] //snapshot value.
Now just check time difference between last create snapshot and current time.
snapshotTimeDiff = (datetime.utcnow() - datetime.strptime(snap[1], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z")).total_seconds()
Now compare this with backup freq for that instance.
if snapshotTimeDiff >= freqOfCreatingSnapshotInSecond:
(Take snapshot of this instance volume.)
we have a machine config file where we mention every thing about ec2 instance.
e.g:- machine_configure.py
"Instance_Name" : {
"backup_freq":"4_hour", "retention": "30_day",
"Environment" : "Dev",
"monitoring" : "basic",
"volume_override" : { // machine can have multiple volume and we want some volume back up freq diff from default so we choose this override
"volumne_id" : { "backup_freq":"4_hour", "retention": "7_day"},
"volume_id" : { "backup_freq":"4_hour", "retention": "2_day"},
"volume_id" : { "backup_freq":"1_day", "retention": "2_day"},
Happy Coding :)
Feel free to ask me to anything . It's My first blog.
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